DigitalOcean resources managed with Komiser? Easy!

Discover your Digital Ocean resources with ease using Komiser. View, sort, and filter to eliminate the risk of unexpected costs by tracking resources effectively.

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Why DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean is a cloud provider that has gained popularity among developers and businesses alike since its founding in 2011. The company is known for providing a streamlined cloud computing platform with a focus on simplicity and user experience, making it an ideal choice for startups, small businesses, and individual developers looking to deploy applications quickly and efficiently.

DigitalOcean is a versatile provider that offers a range of services and features suitable for various use cases. Web application development and deployment is a common use case for DigitalOcean, as the platform provides a cost-effective and straightforward way to deploy web applications of all sizes. Additionally, DigitalOcean offers storage and processing options such as block storage, object storage, and managed databases, making it a suitable option for data-intensive workloads. The platform's simple API and command-line tools also make it an excellent choice for automating deployment and infrastructure management tasks, enabling teams to streamline their DevOps processes.

DigitalOcean is also an excellent option for hosting and content delivery, with its global network of data centers providing fast and reliable service. Additionally, with its high-performance computing infrastructure and advanced GPU options, DigitalOcean is well-suited for machine learning and AI workloads, enabling developers to train and deploy models quickly and efficiently.

For businesses and organizations of all sizes, keeping cloud costs under control can be a challenge. It's easy for costs to spiral out of control, with unoptimized resources and inefficient processes leading to wasted spending. Luckily, Komiser integrates with DigitalOcean giving you the ability to track your resources, uncover hidden costs, and discover areas for budget savings. Let’s see how it’s done.


Firstly, generate your DigitalOcean personal access token inside the DigitalOcean cloud console. Instructions on how to do so can be found here.

Copy your access token and easily integrate your DigitalOcean account to Komiser by adding a block to the config.toml file as follows and paste the previously generated token to line 3:

DigitalOcean config file

Above we are integrating a single DigitalOcean account called “Jakes-Account” if we wanted to add more accounts we would add additional [[digitalocean]] blocks, assigning a unique access token to each block.

Currently, if you want to integrate your DigitalOcean account with Komiser's DigitalOcean support (v1), the only option available is to add your Personal Access Token directly in the config.toml file. While this is a viable solution for testing and development environments, we recognize that it's not a production-ready solution, and we're actively working on delivering more secure and scalable authentication options in future updates.

Resource inventory view

This is the view of the DigitalOcean resources in the Komiser dashboard, which I saved in a DigitalOcean resources custom view.

Komiser inventory view

Once your DigitalOcean resources are fetched and available in the Komiser inventory page, it's essential to start examining them to ensure there are no hidden or orphaned resources wasting space and accumulating cost in your environment. With Komiser, you can sort, filter, and organize your resources into custom views that align with your team's needs and application's structure. This level of visibility means you won't miss any resources or encounter unexpected surprises in your cloud environment. So, make sure to keep your cloud resources in check by using Komiser to track and monitor your DigitalOcean infrastructure.

Regardless if you are a Developer, DevOps, or Cloud engineer. Dealing with the cloud can be tough at times, especially on your own. If you are using Tailwarden or Komiser and want to share your thoughts doubts and insights with other cloud practitioners feel free to join our Tailwarden discord server. Where you will find tips, community calls, and much more.
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